Monday, November 24, 2008

News From The Expansion Team

Okay, so we now know that construction worker types are also deer hunter types. Of course, the wet, cold weather makes this phase of construction somewhat difficult, but my money is on the hunting. Anyway, we aren't likely to see much progress this week but next week should be pretty exciting. So far, only the steel work that can be done with one sky track and a scissor lift has been going up, but, next week we should see the second sky track come in and the large overhead beams going up. These beams span 125 feet across and will peak at approximately 32 feet at the center. The building will seem to get bigger as this phase progresses. Let's keep the project in prayer and let the excitement grow higher than the beams!

Remember, we can save a lot of time and money if we can create work groups to do the interior wall work. I've only heard from a couple of interested Weekend Warriors. If you can be available for a work group let me know.

Dan Cooper